I believe Big Tech has made, and is coming to the end of, the first significant step in how society works with technology. Now it's time for other companies to reflect, and take its use in a different direction.
My focus
Projects by IF
With AI, you don’t know if you are talking to a human or a machine.
It’s harder for everyone to know what they can rely on.
In the last 10 years, we’ve moved from transactions to user experience. The next shift will be from experience to trust. Trust is the new experience, and we help our clients to make that leap.
I started IF in 2016. We are a design and strategy team. We help our clients make the leap to trust, by delivering digital strategies and experiences that meet their strategic objectives.
We maintain and host an open source design pattern catalogue that helps teams build services that earn trust.
Clients include TikTok, Lloyds Banking Group and UK Government.
Advisory for the Mayor of London's Data for London programme
Advisory Board Member for Data for London. Advising the CTO, Mayors Office staff and GLA delivery team.
Office for Oversight
Office for Oversight holds the guardian share for Diagonal, to ensure that the company always acts to serve its purpose: to improve the quality of life of people living or working in cities, through the development of responsible technology.
I am a Founding Director at Office for Oversight, alongside Diagonal's Founding partner Andrew Eland.
Select previous work
A brief history of citizenship, TEDx talk in 2015
In 2015 I gave a TEDx talk on technology and its role in redesigning our social contract. A nice example of what I was thinking about before I started IF.
We are moving towards a future of smart everything: watches, thermostats and cars. But who controls the technology, the code, the data? Our generation will reinvent citizenship.
Data licenses exhibit, V&A Museum, London 2016
I exhibited the "data licences" concept from the Alternet project in many different museums. My favourite was at the V&A where I made the exhibit physical. Visitors chose either a connected watch, travel card or thermostat with which to create a data licence. Once they had selected the object, they scanned it ontop of the Raspberry Pi. This activated a series of questions on an ipad for them to answer. Once they had inputted their answers, they received a print out of the receipt of their data licence, with more information to read later.
Thanks go to Ian Hutchinson for the software design.
Planetary Scale Design, 2015-2016

Planetary Scale Design was a series of workshops delivered in 2015 - 2016, facilitated by Sarah Gold (IF), Ola Möller (MethodKit), Carina Namih and Ben Vickers (Serpentine Galleries).

These workshops were hosted around the world to explore, anticipate and debate what planetary scale systems mean for our future.